White-label local listing management software & services

White-label local listings management software & services to get your clients found across the web, mobile apps, voice search, and more.

Position your brand as the trusted local expert for listings management.

Use Vendasta’s software, all under your brand. Vendasta’s local listings management software was created for you to offer your clients to meet their online presence needs. Sell the solutions your customers need, all under your brand.

  • Your branded client-facing app becomes one place for your clients to access everything they need. Verify and make updates to their business profile to make sure their business information is accurate everywhere, and get access to proof-of-performance reporting.
  • Compatible for businesses of any size, from single to multi-location.

Client Business App →
Listing Builder →


Local listings management software that gets your clients found.

Get found in local search

  • Submit client business information to the four primary aggregators—the foundation of every business’s online presence strategy. The aggregators are the most trusted sources of information for publishers, even above manual updates to listings.
  • Ensure up-to-date client information is synced to online sites and directories, mobile apps, voice search, and GPS systems.
  • With more accurate listings, Google will rank your clients higher in search results, meaning they’re more likely to be found over competitors.

Keep customers updated in real time

  • Instantly sync client business data to high-traffic publishers, suppress duplicate listings, and protect listings from 3rd party changes.
  • Keep business profile information up-to-date over time and quickly sync out to publishers so your clients’ customers always have access to the most updated information.

Own your local listing information

  • Connect to Google Business Profile, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for free to sync and manage client data from one spot.
  • Our white-label marketing services team claims any additional listings manually, putting your clients in control of their data on high-traffic publishers.
  • Protect your clients’ data from changes and own business information across the web.